Transformative Change Through Enterprise

Strategic Creative Ventures invests and advises in impact disruptive technologies with a focus on AI, Blockchain, Robotics, VR & Fintech.  We are committed to nurturing technology ventures that empower a self-sovereign society with a strong team and precise strategic planning.  We are committed to empowering the next generation of global entrepreneurial talent to leave legacies of multi-generational impact and transformative change.

At Strategic Creative, we believe building CSR strategies into the initial DNA of a company is key to developing sweeping impactful change through enterprise.  We measure ventures, not just by the return on investment, but couple that metric, with the vector of intended social and environmental impact.  Beginning in 2020, we ask entrepreneurs to submit a Corporate Social Responsibility statement and define their ethics, vision and values.    In addition to the typical documentation requested in vetting ventures, we ask entrepreneurs to consider clarifying their environmental impact strategy and human values strategy.  In summary, we ask entrepreneurs to consider how are they making the world a better planet beyond selling a product and articulate their plan to build their vision into the DNA fabric of their venture.  At Strategic Creative, we believe impactful change is accelerated through enterprise and look to invest in ventures that will define the technology landscape on this planet and beyond. 

Portfolio of Investments

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